About us
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A concept is where it all begin.

Design office Koncepcja Studio Dagmara Stefańska
is a team of specialists in the architectural and graphic arts industry, with appropriate education and experience,
which can provide professional investment advice as well as design services in the field of architecture and construction, cost estimation and interior design. We also have our renovation teams, thanks to which we also provide finishing services in the full scope of investments.

The founder of the Koncepcja Studio is mgr inż. arch. Dagmara Stefańska, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Cracow University of Technology, having construction certification to design without restrictions and being an active member of the Małopolska Regional Guild of Architects. At the entrance exam, she was ranked 1st among all the candidates, and her diploma, a winery project with a conference center, was appreciated at a nationwide conference on oenology. She gained experience as an architect and interior designer both in Polish and foreign studios. She performed trainings
in graphic design and the use of graphic programs.